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Digital Marketing

As long time veterans of the luxury industry with fingers on the pulse of an ever changing community, we continue to adhere to the mantra that selective print marketing is still the most effective way to reach your core customer.  However, to ignore the advent and growth of digital marketing would be folly.  We recognize that digital media is here to stay and we have helped many customers launch digital only initiatives.  However, the most succesful campaigns are those that effectively combine a well thought out print/digital approach.  Our staff can help you with -


  • Identifying target markets

  • Researching website/traffic demographic profile

  • Expert rate negotiation

  • SOV & added value negotiation


Regardless of your needs, we can draft a marketing blueprint for success both from a small scale, or a complete, comprehensive campaign.

  • Wix Facebook page
  • Wix Twitter page

A division of RMS Media Group, Inc.

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